On buses and Metros, across Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, passengers want a network that is afford and reliable, but they also want it to be safer.
That's why I'm asking people across our region to tell me the changes we could make to improve public transport.
My safety survey is there to make sure your voice is heard. It's just one of the steps I'm taking to act on your concerns.
I recently launched a public transport safety app, Safer Transport Northumbria, so you can let transport bosses and the police know the places you don't feel safe. And I'm backing extra Metro patrols from the likes of the incredible Street Pastors volunteers and youth workers at Edge North East.
I'm doing this because public transport is the lifeblood of our region. It brings us all together with friends and family and gives us access to jobs, shops and all sorts of opportunities. People want transport that’s affordable, reliable and crucially, safe. The need to feel safe, and be safe.
With a responsibility for policing I recognise that the safety and wellbeing of all those who use our buses and metros– we are talking thousands of passengers every single day.
And so what I really want from people in this new survey is the detail – which stations and stops need some extra attention and where routes are becoming a concern. All feedback will go towards updating my Police and Crime Plan, the key document that turns your priorities into actions for Northumbria Police across the region.
Given the size of our region, incidents of harassment and antisocial behaviour remain relatively low, but they do happen and so we must continue to build on the work already being done to keep the networks safe. Enforcement, education, engagement – it all matters and I appreciate all the insight we can get from doing this survey.
Residents can complete the survey here: https://vru.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/pcptransportcon